General Customer Service:

Afterschool (2-6pm)

Please send us an email or call/text letting us know if your child will be late or absent!

Registration and payments:

Program Managers:

Please email [email protected] and direct to the attention of the manager, or call 613-798-8950 + their extension:

  • Health & Wellness: Dylan Harries, ext. 227
  • Swimming & Aquatic Leadership: Lis Drouillard, ext. 223
  • Recreation (Arts, Dance, Sports), Camps & Out of School programs: Laura Bond, ext. 230
  • Customer Experience: Kyle McLaren, ext. 243
  • WAVE & Inclusion, Caitlin Booth, ext. 235
  • Facility & rinks (Westboro Kiwanis Park): Tim Hunt, ext. 249


Program Directors:

  • Camps, Out of School, Inclusion, Recreation: Marc Chamberland, 613-798-8950 ext. 233
  • Customer Experience: Trish Stolte, 613-798-8950 ext. 244
  • Aquatics, Fitness: Christine Pelletier, 613-798-8950 ext. 236

Community Development, Partnerships