Winter Holiday Camps 2024-2025
Register now for camps:
- single days for Dec. 23, 24 and 27
- mini camps for Dec. 30-31 and Jan. 2-3
About our camps:
Kinder Camp (JK or SK) camps are designed with the needs of 4-5 year olds in mind and maintain the familiar daily routine of school with structured times for snack, lunch, rest, and outdoor play. Most camps will have access to camp swims.
Theme camp (Grades 1-4) and Youth Zone (grades 5-6) programs include age-appropriate activities, with active games, indoors and outdoors, and arts and crafts every day. Most camps will have access to camp swims.
Specialty camps (SK-grade 5) offer more focused activities for skill development (eg. art or sports), and always include a balance of outdoor play and access to our indoor pool.